Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Train Ride

Believe it or not, I don't just sew and make bows and tutus. On Sunday, which was a beautiful day, we took the kids to the park. At the park, is a mini train, and G loves to ride the train. Too bad it isn't free. So, the first thing we did when we got there was ride the train. After the train ride, we walked up to the paddle boat area and decided to let the kids ride the paddle boat. We let the older three go alone, while S and I took one out with G. She hadn't had a nap all day, and she was doing great at first. She loved the water and the geese, but once we caught up to her brother and sisters, she had a major meltdown! She wanted in the paddle boat with them. So, there S and I are trying to calm her down, keep her in the paddleboat and paddle back to the dock. Whew! It was a workout for me. The older kids had a blast with minimal arguing. Over all, it was a nice afternoon at the park. At least we survived G's meltdown!

On the train (before the meltdown)

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